Week of September 27th

English Language Arts

Phonics: Long e words

Grammar: singular and plural nouns

Vocabulary: Prefixes un-, re-, mis-, dis-

Reading: Main idea of informational text and text features

Writing: informational paragraphs

Spelling Words: Long E sound (-ee, – ea, -ie)  heel, week, creek, free, green, street, freeze, seal, weak, bean, speaks, team, clean, cream, field



We will work in Module 2 Lessons 4-7. Students must be able to tell time to the minute.  Practice sheets: www.commoncoresheets.com

Multiplication fluency will focus on multiplying by 5’s, and a graded test will be given on Friday.

Daily homework includes studying multiplication facts



Explain the cause and effect relations of magnets.  Students will evaluate how magnets cause changes in the motion and position of objects.

Vocabulary: electrical charge, static electricity, magnet, magnetism, attract, repel, pole, magnetic field

 Matter Phase Project DUE: Friday, October 1st


Important Dates to Remember:

October 1- Science Matter Phase Due

October 8- End of the nine weeks

October 11-15- Fall Break

October 18-22- Red Ribbon Week

October 24- Trunk or Treat

October 29-  Honors Program




Week of September 20, 2021

English Language Arts:

Phonics: Long I and U words:  sky, fry, pie, tied, tight, right, bright, grind, child, cube, cute, mule, music, drew, few

Grammar: types of nouns- concrete, abstract, common, proper

Vocabulary: multiple meaning words

Reading: central message of plays and dramas

Writing: persuasive paragraphs


Math: Module 1 which focuses on problem solving with  units of 2 and 3  using tape diagrams and the distributive property  to model the problem.

Multiplication fluency will focus on multiplying by 4’s, and a graded test will be given on Friday. Daily homework includes studying multiplication facts

Module Test on lessons 1-20 this week


Social Studies:  Chapter 5: Students will identify and locate major continents and oceans using maps and globes.





Week of September 13, 2021

English Language Arts:  Phonics: Long o words, Grammar: simple and compound sentences, Vocabulary: multiple meaning words, Reading: central message of fables, Writing: persuasive paragraphs, Spelling/Phonics:  Long O sound,  coast, float, toad, coal, soak, gold, sold, scold, slope, broke, note bone, slow, show, foe

Math:  Lessons 12-17 which focuses on dividing with units of 4 while using tape diagrams to model the problem. Multiplication fluency will focus on multiplying by 4’s, and a practice test will be given on Friday.  Daily homework includes studying multiplication facts

Science:  Lesson 3: Phases of Matter.  Differentiate between changes caused by heating or cooling that can be reversed and that cannot.  Vocabulary: evaporation, condensation, melting, freezing, phases, matter.  Test: Friday, September 17,  2021  Matter Phase Project due: Friday, October, 1, 2021 See project description sent home with students




Week of September 7, 2021

English Language Arts:  Phonics: Long a words​, Grammar: predicates​, Vocabulary: antonyms​, Reading: Point of view​, Writing: personal narrative

Spelling Words- Long A sound (-ai, -ay, -eigh, -a_e)

plain, braid, fail, grain, snail, paint, sway, tray, gray, stay, state, fake, same, weigh, they

Math- timed 3’s multiplication test on Friday, Mid-Module 1 assessment on Thursday.  We will continue working on multiplication and division using arrays.

Social Studies- latitude and longitude, Chapter 2.  Open book quiz on Friday.

Students can work on Zearn, IReady Reading and Math, as well as reading and taking AR tests at home.

Week of August 30th

Important Dates for 2021-2022 School Year

August 9-27~ PTO Drive ($10.00)
September 6 ~ Labor Day

September 9- Parent Teacher Conferences (4-7 p.m.) 

September 10-Donuts with Dad

September 17-Goodies with Grandparents

September 24-Wordsmith Olympiad and Math Hall of Fame
Oct 11-15 – Fall Break
November 11~Veterans Day
Nov 22-26~Thanksgiving Break
Dec 20-Jan 2 Winter Break   

This Week in Language Arts:

Phonics: Finale e

Grammar: subjects

Reading: Character traits and sequencing

Writing: personal narrative

Spelling (long vowel sounds ending in a silent e):  date, lake, skate, plane, grade, fine, life, rice, wise, smile, rose, globe, smoke, come, used


This Week in Math and Science

Science – Physical and Chemical Changes, test on Friday.  Students have the study guide in their binders

Math – Module 1, Lessons 7-10.  Multiplication using cummutative and distributive properties.  Multiplication test on 3’s facts this Friday and a timed test next Friday.  Daily homework is written and to study for multiplication facts.

Important Dates

Important Dates for 2021-2022 School Year
August 9-27~ PTO Drive (only $10.00)
August 26~ Title 1/Meet the Teacher Night
August 27~ Math Hall of Fame,
Watch DOGS movie night
September 6 ~ Labor Day   No School
Oct 11-15 Fall Break   No School
November 11~  Veterans Day   No School
Nov 22-26 ~  Thanksgiving Break    No School
Dec 20-Jan 2   Winter Break    No School

Week of August 23, 2021

Phonics: Short vowels e, o, u

Grammar: commands and exclamations

Vocabulary: synonyms

Reading: Sequencing and compound words

Writing: personal narrative

Language Arts Vocabulary: Character, setting, plot, pictures, illustrations, predict, infer, quotations, sequencing, compound words

Spelling Words: (soft e, o, and u vowel sounds)step, mess, head, crops, stop, rock, clock, sock, pond, jumps, shut, luck, slump, bugs, mug

Math:  We will work in lessons 4-9 which focuses on relating multiplication to an array model and to equal groups. Multiplication fluency will focus on multiplying by 2’s, and a graded test will be given on Friday. Daily homework includes studying multiplication facts

Social Studies:  Chapter 1: Maps and Globes.  Students will learn about the geography of Tennessee and the United States.  Students will practice map skills.  Social Studies Vocabulary: map, globe, map title, map legend, map key, cardinal directions, intermediate directions, grids.  Test: Friday, August 27th and the test will be online using Gallopade in Canvas.


August 26 is our annual Title 1 Meeting and Meet Your Teacher Night! You won’t want to miss it. Take this opportunity to meet your child’s teacher(s) and learn their procedures and expectations for the 2021-2022 school year

FYI:  Class Dojo is an important tool for parent-teacher communication. Be sure to sign up!!

Please initial your child’s conduct calendar daily.

If you did not pay school fees at registration then please send $10.00 cash

It’s not too late to join our PTO for  only $10.00






Important Dates

Important Dates for 2021-2022 School Year

August 9~ Students Return to School

August 9-27~ PTO Drive (only $10.00)

August 16~ Parents and Pastries (if you are new to WSE)

August 26~ Title 1/Meet the Teacher Night

August 27~ Watch DOGS movie night

September 6 ~ Labor Day   No School

Oct 11-15 Fall Break   No School

November 11~  Veterans Day   No School

Nov 22-26 ~  Thanksgiving Break    No School

Dec 20-Jan 2   Winter Break    No School  

Week of August 16, 2021


This Week in Language Arts

Phonics: Short vowels a & i

Grammar: Sentences and fragments

Vocabulary: compound words

Reading: Ask and answer questions about a given text

Writing: personal narrative

Spelling Words:  clap, camp, hand, stamp, snack, rack, grabs, glad, bill, miss, click, pink, sick, grin, lift


This week in Science

We will begin learning about Matter in Physical Science.

Standards- 3.PS1.1: Describe the properties of solids, liquids, and gases and identify that matter is made up of particles too small to be seen. 3.PS1.3: Describe and compare the physical properties of matter including color, texture, shape, length, mass, temperature, volume, state, hardness, and flexibility.

Vocabulary: matter, property, physical property, volume, mass, magnetism, texture

Lab: Comparing Solids, Liquids, and Gases


This week in Math

We will work in lessons 2-6 which focuses on relating multiplication to an array model and to equal groups.

Multiplication fluency will focus on multiplying by 2’s, and a practice test will be given on Friday.

Daily homework includes studying multiplication facts



August 26 is our annual Title 1 Meeting and Meet Your Teacher Night! You won’t want to miss it. Take this opportunity to meet your child’s teacher(s) and learn their procedures and expectations for the 2021-2022 school year


¨ Class Dojo is an important tool for parent-teacher communication. Be sure to sign up!!


¨ Please initial your child’s conduct calendar daily.


¨ If you did not pay school fees at registration then please send $10.00 cash



Week of May 18th


Hi Friends and Family,

What a 2019/2020 school year!!  I will always remember my second grade class of 2020 and the history we shared together 🙂  I wish you all the best and will be thinking about each and every one of you!!  Please see the Quarter 3 Honor’s Program link below.  Also, please don’t forget you can pick up Arise 2 Read backpacks for second grade students on Thursday, May 21 from 9:30-noon. They will be given out at the main entrance of the school.

Again, I wish you all the best and please come and and give me a real hug next school year 🙂

Mrs. Calvert
